The Mirror Cube 5x5x5, is a combination of the Mirror Cube and the Rubik's Professor's Cube. It has the exact same mechanism as the Professor's Cube, but it also shares the same idea behind the Mirror Cube - Meaning same color stickers but changing block sizes. Solving the Mirror Cube 5x5x5 is exactly the same as solving the Professor's Cube.
The center pieces of this puzzle (9 center pieces for each face of the puzzle) all have the same height and width, they only differ by depth, so matching them means there are no "bumps" - all 9 have the same depth. Each edge piece of this puzzle appears 3 times, and they should be matched together. After matching both the centers and the edge pieces, we are left with a puzzle that can be solved using the standard Rubik's 3x3x3 solving algorithm (with 1 parity case).
Comments 72
Magnus carlsen
it is so easy I can solve it in 24.89 seconds
LOL I clicked shuffle button and solved it 1:18:98
Mr. Pro
When I randomise it, it is easy (Because I only turn one side) When it randomises it, I JUST GAVE UP ALMOST IMMEDIATELY.
Pro Cuber
LOL solved it in 1 minute 19 seconds
The only puzzle that I can't solve in this website
I’m a Cuba/theo
The checkerboard pattern is cool
to easy give me a 1000x1000 rubix cube
I did the dot pattern and it looks cool
Jason Meredith
Sooooooooooooooooooo hardddddddddddddd
too easy
I tried to make the checkerboard pattern and it looks sick
Magnus carlsen
it is so easy I can solve it in 24.89 secondsEnderSSSoul
LOL I clicked shuffle button and solved it 1:18:98Mr. Pro
When I randomise it, it is easy (Because I only turn one side) When it randomises it, I JUST GAVE UP ALMOST IMMEDIATELY.Pro Cuber
LOL solved it in 1 minute 19 secondsBrandon
The only puzzle that I can't solve in this websiteI’m a Cuba/theo
The checkerboard pattern is coolprofessional
to easy give me a 1000x1000 rubix cubeEthan
I did the dot pattern and it looks coolJason Meredith
Sooooooooooooooooooo harddddddddddddddpro
too easySaeed
I tried to make the checkerboard pattern and it looks sickXreston
Sooooooo easyEljey Gabrielle Decierdo
Mirror cube is so hardKeyan
Dot pattern also has spikes.Keyan
Checkerboard looks like it has spikes on itidkhowtosolve
I just checkerboarded itjosiah
this is soooooooooooooooooooo hard to solveEDDIE
soooooooooooooooooooooo hardrucicker
Whoa that so impossible oh ma gadRubikcer
Mirror cube is so hard 😡Write a comment!