The Mini Mirror Cube, is a combination of the Mirror Cube and the Mini Cube. It has the exact same mechanism as the Mini Cube, but it also shares the same idea behind the Mirror Cube - Meaning same color stickers but changing block sizes. Solving the Mini Mirror Cube is exactly the same as solving the Mini Rubik's Cube.
This puzzle actually has only 8 moving parts, all of which are corners. Each corner has its unique size and should be matched with the parts that share 2 of its 3 dimensions (for e.g height and width are the same but depth isn't). As with the Mini Cube, this puzzle can always be solved in 11 moves or less. It has (only) about 3.7 Million possible permutations.
Comments 96
I solved this in 5 seconds
Big mag
I solved only 6 pieces 😅
this website is the best website ever
When cubes eat meat
Wow, so hard! Solved in 18 secs
The cube guy
This is the hardest mini cube EVER!
Lili cube
I solved it in 16 seconds
I want to have Mirror Cube 2 by 2
bro i have the 2by2 and i solved in under 7 sec. its just a peice of cake
I've been doing 4 moves 9 times on my REGULAR 2x2, and I have gone INSANE with my PBs. If only I could get a SUB-14. And I'm half-cuber, half-non-cuber.
how do u solve dis thang?
Hi I am 11 and a bit years old and I found it really easy to solve
Hi I am 9 and a half and I beat this in under 10 seconds. I don't know how
Another cuber
I solved it. Horray😉
If you know how to solve a 2x2 this should be a bit easy but it can get a little tricky to recognize which piece is what
TOO EZQuillan
I solved this in 5 secondsBig mag
I solved only 6 pieces 😅karthik323
this website is the best website everWhen cubes eat meat
Wow, so hard! Solved in 18 secsThe cube guy
This is the hardest mini cube EVER!Lili cube
I solved it in 16 secondsCandice
I want to have Mirror Cube 2 by 2cuber
bro i have the 2by2 and i solved in under 7 sec. its just a peice of cakeConnor
I've been doing 4 moves 9 times on my REGULAR 2x2, and I have gone INSANE with my PBs. If only I could get a SUB-14. And I'm half-cuber, half-non-cuber.dan
how do u solve dis thang?Amelie
Hi I am 11 and a bit years old and I found it really easy to solveLotus
Hi I am 9 and a half and I beat this in under 10 seconds. I don't know howAnother cuber
I solved it. Horray😉Ethankingkrab
If you know how to solve a 2x2 this should be a bit easy but it can get a little tricky to recognize which piece is whatCanoe
Easier than a 7by7rubikcer
Mini mirror cube is easyNeverSolvedAcubeB4
Why does it look easy, but is waaaay to hard. XDcuber
hard as a 21x21!!Write a comment!