Redi Cube (3x3x3)

The Redi Cube is a cube-shaped twisty puzzle. It was invented by Oskar van Deventer in 2009. Its mechanism is based on the Dino Cube, however while the Dino Cube is made only of edge pieces, the Redi Cube has 8 additional corner pieces which turn the 3 edge pieces around them. While there are no lower-order versions of this puzzle, Oskar van Deventer has also invented the Fadi Cube (4x4x4), a higher-order version of the Redi Cube. The Redi Cube (3x3x3) is mass produced by Moyu since 2017.

Much like the Dino Cube, the Redi Cube is considered to be relatively easy to solve, and it is great for beginners. That is despite its relatively high number of possible combinations: over 1.5 trillion! This high number of combinations stems from the fact that the corner pieces can turn completely independently of each other. A general way to tackle this puzzle is to start by aligning the corners of a single face to all show the same color, then solving the edge pieces between them, and lastly - matching the remaining edges with their respective corners and aligning those corners in the correct way.

The Redi Cube is not an official WCA puzzle. The unofficial record for fastest solve (avg5) is 3.95 seconds, set by Chris Van Der Brink from the United States. 

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